Day 15
Amanita Citrulina is a queen
or Roman empress , yellow white.
When the net demands, she rises,
sticks her lovely organs in the air -
there are various tales written by Cicero
or other Romans I have never read,
not learning latin, although I read
encrypted- french translated by an Insect queen,
a book on secret politics by Cicero,
hid inside for years, so deathly white,
the pale anaemic gestures in plein air,
like the hidden city, something rises
to stand, shading itself, it rises
vellum yellow in the books translating Cicero
left in a burning library. Oxygen in the thin air
is necessary even for a paled thin queen-
inside many lifeforms, some organs will be white
as unpopped baby teeth. I've read
and not unheard, the scientist Cicero
was in fact no scientist. The spores mesh, the itch rises,
translation fluid from the bodies, milky white,
even though the blood is counted read.
This is the birthright of the underqueen,
Shakkespeer methods of flying in foul air,
and then the roseate perfume of our air.
Yes, Loren ipsum, cordysepsis, Cicero -
she's poison but undeadly, many queen,
a mesh or net together, many rises,
the indexing system of Alexandria read,
as white ink prints on paper too too white.
As one day too, the soil unthreads the white,
when it comes from shadow, comfort - air
is not just a subject for humans, read
that paper on the misheard Empire - Cicero
is a man noone still reads and yet this poem rises
false like sourdough. She's Empress and Queen
of any manbuilt culture codenamed Cicero,
discounted in this poem, meaning rises-
Ai, node dancer , silk webbed, neater Queen.
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