Day 2




leather worn,

we are both tired.

We did our best to repair each other.


Put a line of mourners out to dry 

and scrape up what is left behind

with a silver, jewelled spatula.

The drowning part of drowning gone

A vein. A one way drag. A thing you run

to find that other element. Some

anklet,some collarbone velvet.

Stood fishspined, moving your hands.

An unsmall, an etiolation, a strawberry lace,

an ache that ties bellybutton to stone.

A what is wanted, squared and billionaired -

Chocolate and Weltschmerz.

A goddess submerged so all her limbs 

are shell and claspy purses,

so they are a refinery, 

a special prising tool required, a rawness.

Something expected of god, 

and because expected, not worth its own name -

a kind word. A lottery stigmata,

a living teddy from the claw machine.


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