NaPowrimo Day 19
Day 19
the Sitcommers
Stale smoke in the rooms of writers
hanging like cumulus nimbus-any joke will fly
at anyone’s expense. The walls shake as the doors
are closed. The table is a prop and the food is
She’s afraid of the voices of the chorus,
canned and loud. She didn’t even mean to tell a
So, it’s goodbye from him and it’s goodbye goodbye
from him; and it’s names appearing on the screen
over their faces, so, and so as so and so,
guest stars trailing dust like fading comets.
If the sky was a screen, if the mind was a set,
if the audience was paid to laugh.
And the whole cast, waving till their arms ache-
do you ever feel like that? Years of rep and
rictusing that grin. And your nylon dress of flames
and your dad's suit won't fit, but he’s really a
good man-
and it’s good bye from you too, child star,
And it’s goodbye from him and her, and her and him.
This poem resonates with intensity, sadness, and such strong images and rhythm. I hope you write more poems, this month and more.