NaPoWriMo Day 18

 Day 18

Five answers to one question
When will you be happy?
when the deer come out
of the rain and the trees,
and stay awhile, watching me-
there is no rhyme nor
reason to this almost love
but I don't care,
the pale fawn of their flanks,
the trees part of this delicacy
like the bright blue butterflies
that are everywhere,
like the oilslick crows
that now now allow me to touch
their feathers
and the tiger I wrote
my first poem about
slips into the leaves,
and there you are
when every little worry,
every niggle is addressed
and every achy trouble
put to bed
when there is no sharp
intake of breath
or lurch of stomach
when I think of you,
when every day,
is a cold mist dawn
with the sun promising itself
and a green world
or small city to explore,
a cafe
and the first taste of everything,
a guidebook bible
when I fulfil
my clairvoyant ability
and see in a secondhand crystal ball
my kids' brilliantly
ordinary lives to come,
upside down and quite clear-
they smile and smile,
with traces of me in their faces,
just living every day
when every single poem is
absolutely new,
tender cruel surprising
when it needs to be
and everyone gets the meaning


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