NaPoWriMo Day 15

 day 15

poem about something I have no interest in

There is a lot more to aerial chainsaw
ballet than the course info makes out-
I abseil from a tudor oak,
taking its branches one by one,
my feet dangling, then touching
the mottled trunk
There's branches in my hair,
the blossom makes me want to sneeze
out details of the operation. They say
that trees don't feel, I wonder.
Keep saw away from the body-
it's good every now and then,
to cull the dead wood clean.
Don't operate whilst drunk.
Tomorrow, I learn the principles
of feeding limbs into the woodchipper-
I'll wear white silk gloves
as if this was a magic act,
act cool and matter of fact
as a movie villain.
And you will listen hard
to hear the birdsong in the trees


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