NaPoWriMo Day 13
Day 13
I. joy
Joy is joy is joy, there's not a lot to say about it, everyone's joy is the same, we feel quite giddy. Contentment though, contentment hums and sings and is various and multifarious, contentment is the bright bird on the ledge, which can go either way, into the strange air, la via miraculosa, the feathers of a wild explosion, grey on grey on grey.
Is everything going to be ok? The thrill, i think, is in the not knowing.
ii. hope
everything is better- look, look, there is a bluer sky when i wear sunglasses. happyish people on the shore. these pools are tessellated with orange starfish. every pebble has a different pattern- that's what wear and tear can do. there is a polishing machine in your imagination, here comes the sun. i dare hope. you angle your winter face, a new fritillary found like thrift between the red cliff and the air.
i imagine you smile.
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